BS in Modeling and Simulation Engineering
The Department of Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering offers an undergraduate, four-year degree program leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Modeling and Simulation Engineering (M&SE). The M&SE curriculum is based upon a solid foundation in mathematics and basic sciences. Core program content includes a thorough introduction to key concepts from engineering and computer science, the major modeling and simulation paradigms, computer visualization, statistical analysis methods, and simulation software design. Laboratory courses provide hands-on experience in the engineering of modeling and simulation systems. A capstone course sequence taken during the senior year provides an opportunity to exercise this cumulative preparation to solve a real engineering problem in a team setting. An important component of the program is the requirement that students complete courses in another academic discipline where modeling and simulation is used as a support tool. In addition, course work in General Education skills and ways of knowing is required to assure a well-rounded program of study.