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May Membership Meeting: Captain Tim Barney USN Presents to VSRA Membership

Captain Tim Barney, Commander, Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center
Captain Tim Barney, Commander, Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center

The May VSRA General Membership meeting was held at the Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel on May 17, 2022. The guest speaker was Captain Tim Barney, USN, Commander, Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center.

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Featured Article: June is National Safety Month - Part 1

Chrystian Uzzle, Marketing Director, Tidewater Staffing
Chrystian Uzzle, Marketing Director, Tidewater Staffing

In the United States, and all across the country, we celebrate by reminding each other of the importance of staying safe! We also participate in activities that further promote safety awareness and education.

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Featured Article: HR Strong-Reinforcing the Marine Trade Talent Pipeline

Michelle Olson, Maritime Workforce Coordinator
Michelle Olson, Maritime Workforce Coordinator

Investment is necessary to grow the pipeline of skilled workers in Hampton Roads needed to support critical industry sectors, including shipbuilding and ship repair, the emerging offshore wind industry, road, and infrastructure construction. The HR Strong Initiative has been designed to boost existing training efforts in Hampton Roads in order to  provide a skilled and prepared workforce to deliver first-time quality, and support (1) increased Navy ship construction, repair, modernization, and maintenance programs, (2) the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project, (3) Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel expansion project, and (4) the critical need to develop opportunities for historically underserved communities to access and thrive in careers that provide family sustaining wages.

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SAVE THE DATE: 2022 VSRA Annual Member Networking Social


We are excited to announce our upcoming 2022 VSRA Annual Member Networking Social on Thursday, July 21, 2022 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at ODU's Ted Constant Convocation Center in the Big Blue Room! 

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SAVE THE DATE: VSRA 26th Annual Safety & Health Seminar

SAVE THE DATE for the VSRA 26th Annual Safety & Health Seminar scheduled for Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ted Constant Convocation Center, Chartway Arena, ODU.

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VSRF 36th Annual Golf Tournament - ALL Golfer Slots are FULL - Other Sponsorships Available

The 36th Annual VSRF Golf Tournament Sponsorships are open.  All golfer slots are full - other sponsorships are available. 

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New VSRA Member Companies

Three new member companies joined VSRA in the month of May, bringing the membership total to 293. Please join us in welcoming:

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Writers Welcome! Please contact Kathy Bryan, Communications Committee Chairman, at (757) 366-9300, or kbryan@shipyardstaffing.com, if you would like to submit an article.

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