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Contracts Committee Seminar Series - COMING SOON!

It is time again for the annual VSRA Contracts Committee Seminar Series! This seminar series focuses on key issues related to contracting with the federal government. Each seminar is held from 3:00 - 4:30 in the afternoon, with refreshments and networking to follow. Click here to view the Seminar Flyer!

This year's seminar topics will be:

Ethics & Standards of Conduct - Tuesday, September 12, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Kaufman & Canoles, 150 West Main Street, 21st Floor, Norfolk, VA 23510
Speakers will discuss standards of conduct for government contractors, with special emphasis on anti-trust and the importance of developing a compliance plan for your business.

Money, Money, Money! - Thursday, October 12, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Williams Mullen, 222 Central Park Ave, 17th Floor, VA Beach, VA 23462
Panelists will discuss the process of getting paid through government mechanisms and understanding the government client - who's who, how the money flows, and the roles of Fleet, TYCOM, NAVSEA, and so on.

Responding to an RFP: Prime & Sub - Thursday, October 26, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Kaufman & Canoles, 150 West Main Street, 21st Floor, Norfolk, VA 23510
Experts in the field, including MARMC Contracts, will help attendees understand how to review RFPs for evaluation factors, sub-factors and weight, as well as the importance of subcontractors' contribution to proposals.

Commercial Expansion & Diversification of Revenue Streams - Tuesday, November 7, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Williams Mullen, 222 Central Park Ave, 17th Floor, VA Beach, VA 23462
Panelists will discuss diversification from NAVY work, including other Federal Government opportunities, as well as Commercial work: the who, the how, and the differences in requirements.

The per-attendee cost of the seminars is as follows:
Member Company Participants: $50 per seminar / $175 for all four seminars
Non-Member Company Participants: $100 per seminar / $350 for all four seminars 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact VSRA by e-mailing  BWasher@VirginiaShipRepair.org or calling (757) 233-7034.



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