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2022 Contracts Committee Fall Seminar Series

Each year, the VSRA Contracts Committee puts together a series of in-depth, informative seminars on issues related to government contracting, commercial work, and small business. This year, the Contracts Committee will host 4 seminars! 

Each seminar will be held in the VSRA Office in-person located in Downtown Norfolk's World Trade Center, from 3:30 - 5:00 PM. Participants will also have a virtual option to attend.

Following the seminars, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a networking social with hors d'oeuvres and "adult beverages."

Click Here For Sponsorship Opportunities!

  • October 13: Prime and Subcontractor Perspectives
  • November 9: Ethics and Standards of Conduct
  • TBD: Forecasting the Future Navy Customer
  • December 7: Negotiating Bilateral Change Orders

Questions? Please contact Carina Phillips at CPhillips@VirginiaShipRepair.org  or call the VSRA Office at (757) 233-7034!

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