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January Luncheon Speaker Bill Crow Presents the 2014 Annual Report

The first General Membership Luncheon meeting of 2015 was held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at the Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel. The speaker was Bill Crow, President of the Virginia Ship Repair Association, who presented the 2014 Annual Report and "State of the Association."  Click Here for a copy of his presentation.

Bill's presentation focused on the dedication and engagement of the VSRA membership that broke attendance records for all events in 2014. "What makes VSRA great?" Bill asked.  Because of YOU! YOU Are:  Energized, proud, passionate, patriotic, dedicated, forward-thinking, involved, committed, talented and diverse. Bill also credited the enhancement and expansion of many VSRA programs - such as training, committee structure, and the QA Audit system - to the input and participation of the very active VSRA membership.

Bill reported that the strategic plan and course charted by the VSRA Board of Directors remains unchanged for 2015, with the primary focus to remain on:

1) Enhancing VSRA relations, communication, and dialogue with our main customer: the United States Navy

2) Ensuring that the general public and our leaders in Richmond and Washington remain completely aware of how important the Ship Repair Industry is to Virginia

3) Continuing critical endeavors in strengthening industry partnerships, including workforce recruitment and development, and the ever-important partnership with OSHA.



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