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2015 Career & Industry Days - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

The VSRF needs volunteers for Career Day events!  You will have the opportunity to attend Career and Industry Days to promote Ship Repair as a valuable asset to the community, while encouraging students to consider a job in the Ship Repair Industry.

Come and share your work knowledge!

Our Industry Days allow VSRA to partner with High Schools and feature the Ship Repair Industry in half a day event at area High Schools. We meet with teachers, student groups and guidance counselors, and get their FULL ATTENTION. This connects us with students who are most likely to succeed in our industry.

Please CLICK HERE to view our Outreach Schedule

If you are interested in volunteering for one of our Career Day Events, please contact Sallena Nikitas: SNikitas@VirginiaShipRepair.org or (757) 233-7034.

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